Farmaceutická společnost, evropský region, mezinárodní spolupráce
5th Winter Research Conferences (Oxidative Damage to DNA: Measurement and Repair - Metals in Cancer: Redox carcinogenesis and antioxidant Protection - Regulation of iron metabolism) |
17.-24. března 2001, Val Cenis, Francie |
Kontakt: Arlette Alcaraz, CHU A. Michallon, BP 217, FR-Grenoble Cedex 09, France |
1st Conference of the Portugese Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences |
4.-7. dubna 2001, Lisabon, Portugalsko |
Kontakt: SPCF, Faculadade de Farmácia de Lisboa, Av. Das Forcas Armadas, Lisbon Portugal, |
Chemical Kinetics in Prodrug Design And Drug Stability |
23.-27. dubna 2001, Kodaň, Dánsko |
Kontakt: Claus Selch Larsen, Royal Danish, School of Pharmacy, Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark |
New Amalytical Approaches to the Development of Biochemistry Products: the Science and the Regulatory Process |
26.-27. dubna 2001, Londýn, Anglie |
Kontakt: J.A.Clements, Royal Pharmaceutical, Society of Great Britain, 1 Lambeth High Street London SE1 7JN, UK |